7 small things that improved my user interviews


User interviews are tricky affairs.

On top of coming up with good user interview questions, conducting the interviews themselves often prove to be yet another mentally draining experience. And it’s made worse if you’re doing it without prior experience, or without anyone to guide you along.

Sure, you’ll get better with practice. But you’ll also wanna avoid rookie mistakes and score easy wins, as soon as possible.

That’s what this post is about.

Read more 7 small things that improved my user interviews

5 steps to create good user interview questions by @metacole – a comprehensive guide


Coleman Yee is an experienced UX practitioner, and over a month ago I’ve had the chance of personally learning from him. This post is a crystallisation of some of the lessons that I’ve picked up from Coleman.

User interviews are an exceptionally useful tool for user research, because it allows you to speak directly to users, and get responses to specific questions that you have. If done well, it could also uncover nuances or directions that were previously unknown or unthought of.

Like most research, however, user interviews are prone to bias, and interpreting responses can be tricky. But with a good guide in hand – and lots of practice – we can avoid the most common pitfalls and get the most out of user interviews.

Read more 5 steps to create good user interview questions by @metacole – a comprehensive guide